Standard steel bowl 50cc for the Laarmann LM2000 pulverizer ring mill or other compatible laboratory ring mill machines.
Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon and other elements. Because of its high tensile strength and low cost, it is a major component used in buildings, infrastructure, tools, ships, automobiles, machines, appliances, and weapons.
Iron is the base metal of steel. Iron is able to take on two crystalline forms (allotropic forms), body centered cubic (BCC) and face centered cubic (FCC), depending on its temperature. In the body-centred cubic arrangement, there is an iron atom in the centre and eight atoms at the vertices of each cube; in the face-centred cubic, there is one atom at the center of each of the six faces of the cube and eight atoms at the vertices. It is the interaction of the allotropes of iron with the alloying elements, primarily carbon, that gives steel and cast iron their range of unique properties.
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